Housing in Worthing West

We all know how important it is to have a place to call home of our own, but for too many people in Worthing West this has become an impossible dream.

House prices, mortgage rates and rent are simply unaffordable.

Worthing West needs the right combination of social housing, first time buyer provision, family homes and downsizing options for older people.

We also need the right infrastructure to make those homes part of a thriving local community with access to shops, health care and schools and this means providing good public transport, making buses and trains an accessible affordable option.

I’m and as part of a Labour Government, I will make sure that planning reforms allow us to develop the right housing mix – and that we get the investment in the services we need.”

Dr Beccy Cooper

2 responses to “Housing in Worthing West”

  1. Shirley Rumbol avatar
    Shirley Rumbol

    I am pleased to hear of your housing visions but would like to know what assurances you can give that this will not happen on greenfield sites? What protections will you offer your local constituents so our local environment will remain as green and beneficial to iur wildlife.

  2. Emma Davies avatar
    Emma Davies

    The ambitions for Worthing West are impressive however I am puzzled as to why a Labour led Planning Committee gave Planning Permission for a scheme of 90 tiny, and arguably dangerous, flats in the former Debenhams building and over the Iceland car park which meet none of the criteria: “Worthing West needs the right combination of social housing, first time buyer provision, family homes and downsizing options for older people.”

    All of these flats would be for private rent, none affordable, and none for sale for first time buyers (probably not mortgageable in any event) with poor accessibility given the existing roads which were not designed for this sort of use, and therefore not suitable for older persons.

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